Matters of the heart. How’s yours?
February brings Valentine’s Day. A day where people declare love for their partners, often saying it with flowers and romantic cards.
But the tradition seems to have changed over the years.
It used to be about sending or receiving “anonymous” declarations of love.
Very exciting or disconcerting depending on who you thought the admirer might be. But now it seems to be more about endorsing love in current relationships.
I looked up St Valentine, the patron saint of Love online. Here are some interesting “facts” about this defiant, passionate man who sacrificed his life for his beliefs.
So apart from the heart being associated with all things romantic, what else do we recognise our hearts as doing?
Keeping us alive is the heart’s primary job, delivering oxygen and nutrients, pumping fuel for our muscles and other organs.
Some of us give this vital organ a really hard time though, putting it at all sorts of risk.
For instance.
Smoking – number one evil risk factor. Look out for my interview with Bob in a future Blog about how he quit smoking with hypnotherapy.
Obesity coming a very close second because of higher than ever intake of salt, saturated and trans fat, lack of activity, too much loafing around.
Look out for future blogs featuring inspiring friends of mine who have lost weight safely and are really into their newfound healthy life styles.
And what about stress and anger?
We talk a lot about stress these days, but do we seriously take enough notice and consider that our stresses and worries may possibly lead to heart disease and ultimately heart failure?
So, other sneaky factors that can damage heart health are working too hard (or perhaps working ineffectively would be a better way of putting that), poor sleep patterns, excess alcohol intake, over exercising, and….build-up of plaque!
So clean your teeth properly and see your dentist regularly especially if you’re still a smoker or a heavy drinker!
Here’s two other factors not often considered. Loneliness and unhappiness!
If you’re unhealthy, because you’re not leading a productive and reasonably active mental and physical life, if you are bothered by unhelpful or even damaging habits, are you going to be happy with that?
So, what else can you think of?
My clients come to me because they are unhappy with their state of being. By attending to whatever is bothering them, possibly killing them.
Not only do they achieve specific goals and are very happy about that, they are taking care of their hearts too. Win, win!
It really doesn’t take long to reverse damage done, even to the extent of reversing diabetes in some cases by a change of diet and exercise.
The health benefits of giving up smoking start as soon as the last fag is stumped out as long as the damage isn’t so severe it’s fatal.
Have a think about that one if you’re still doing it. I’ve lost friends and family through this awful addiction. But you still have a choice.
Book your sessions with me now and I will help you work out what you want to do to improve your life and how to do it.
You’ll apply methods you are happy with to maintain your new way of being and wonder why you’d left it so long.